Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Quality of Service

My son - having only arrived from Calgary last week - is astounded. In a positive way. He was amazed by the courtesy and quality of service he got when having meals at restaurants in Jakarta. He said, "I never have to pick up food; the waiter always brings it to me." He was even more floored by the strength and math ability of Padang restaurant waiter who has to bring 6-12 dishes on his arm to the table and later tallies up the food we ate by looking at the colors of the curry dishes. The girls serving us at KFC or Pizza Hut always appear happy, courteous, and infinitely patient, even after we spilled water on the floor. She would smile back at us and made me embarassed at our clumsiness.

Indonesians are trained at giving great services. At school we were brought up to follow orders and be obedient. It pains me, therefore, to know that our menial workers sent to Saudi Arabia are not treated well and, even worse, abused. Our courtesy and politeness are taken for a ride. I only wish the next government of Indonesia would have more backbone and 'cojones' when dealing with its counterparts.

Regardless, I think the quality of service we have been getting is an indication of a - dare I say - absolute advantage that other countries lack. Indonesia should focus on bringing out this exquisite level of service to the front to lure more foreign tourists and visitors. Indonesia should use this advantage as a huge leverage to promote tourism, eco-adventure travels, and exchange study programs.

What still lacks is the website gateway for tourism information on Indonesia. I have been in Indonesia for 2 months and have still little idea on how to get good accomodation and travel tips to Krakatau, Karimun Jawa, Bali. It is sad to say that I am still thinking of buying the Lonely Planet's Indonesia guide to show me where to go and what to do, given that I am here already.

Things have got to change. For the better. And hopefully sooner than later.

1 comment:

  1. no.SARA ..imho

    hmm..kalo di pulau jawa servicenya emang mantep dan selalu dengan sumringah, apalagi pelayan2 restoran fastfood, disini agak beda,macam pizzahut atau restoran padang pelayanannya gak terlalu ramah, malah cenderung cuek
