Friday, September 28, 2012


The probability of a probability of an event
occuring remains a probability that always
spans from zero to one, a space large enough
to accept minus infinity to plus infinity.
Where one might allude, insinuate or even
contradict if one has a correct number preceded
by words such as even though, provided that,
given that, who, and last but not least if.

It can be either A occurs given B occurs, or
the other way around, that is a probability
that B occurs given A occurs. And believe
me they are not the same. It can be either
the union or the intersection or the complement
or any combination thereof. And yes, counting
the number of events depending on permutations
and combinations almost always yields a huge
number that no one - almost always also - never
checks – as it is astronomical. So, forward your
arguments as tightly and cleanly as possible.

All of these are not nonsense, if you believe
in polls, weather reports, stock market, and
the odds your mom met your dad a long time
ago. And eventually marrying him. A lesson to
always think about the other side, the alternative,
the what-if, the what-not, the what-the-fuck.
As nothing is never trivial even the impossible.

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